Guess Giveaway System


  • How to Install the Template
  • Template Settings
  • Giveaway Walkthrough
  • Installing the Integromat Scenario
  • Creating Your Facebook Post & Setting up the Growth Tools
  • Setting Up Optional Dynamic Images
  • Picking the Winners
  • Consolation Prizes
  • Resetting for New Giveaways
  • Bonus - Setting Up Post-Redemption Reviews
  • Notes on Facebook TOS Compliance


ManyChat Template
Lead Dashboard

You'll use this one sheet for all the bots. Remember - use a separate sheet for each client!

[membership_download style="4"]
  • Integromat Scenario (right click, Save As)
  • [/membership_download]

    Remember - use a separate scenario & webhook for each client!

    Bot Overview

    The Elevator Pitch
    The Guess Giveaway can generate a flood of new customers instantly, and with very little ad spend. People that see the post or ad enter a contest for a giveaway - a gift card, free meal, or other service like a massage, oil change, etc. They enter by commenting with a guess on how many jelly beans are in a jar, the score of the upcoming game, or virtually anything else you can use to get engagement.

    The automated Messenger system picks up the comment and registers their entry by collecting email and phone, building your client a list they can monetize forever!

    After that, they can increase the viral nature of the giveaway by referring friends and family.

    Not only does this radically increase page engagement and exposure, but with the optional participation and consolation coupons, it drives a flood of new customers through the door and increases the business visibility and brand.

    The Benefits

    • Fully automated, messenger based system encourages customers to engage by rewarding comments and social sharing
    • Drives massive page likes, comments and engagement
    • Drives paying customers by offering participation coupons when they enter, and consolation prizes if they don't win
    • Social contests can be run month after month, continuously driving new customers & engagement
    • Ability to reach customers by building a list (messenger, email and SMS)
    • Reduces advertising costs
    • Generate more repeat business
    • Optional, personalized images and coupons to increase conversion
    • Trackable coupons that record redemption amounts

    Template Info

    Once you've installed the ManyChat template, your bot will have a set of Custom User Fields, Bot Fields, Template Fields, and Tags. Custom Fields are values unique to each user in the bot, and Bot Fields are global - they're what power the template with dynamic info. Template Fields are encapsulated in the template so they don't overwrite what's in your bot already. Tags help us manage logic and flow. Here's the complete list:

    Custom Fields:

    • email
    • phone
    • guess_give_guess
    • guess_give_redeem_amount


    • guess_give_added_email
    • guess_give_added_phone
    • guess_give_winner
    • guess_give_participation_cpn_redeemed
    • guess_give_consolation_cpn_redeemed
    • guess_give_registered

    Bot Fields:

    • api_key
    • business_address
    • business_call_button
    • business_name
    • business_phone
    • business_email
    • business_website

    Template Fields:

    • guess_give_allow_referral
    • guess_give_cons_cpn_image
    • guess_give_consolation_coupon
    • guess_give_date
    • guess_give_fb_post
    • guess_give_get_phone
    • guess_give_offer
    • guess_give_offer_participation_coupon
    • guess_give_part_cpn_image
    • guess_give_participation_coupon
    • guess_give_post_url

    Giveaway Post Content

    Giveaway Copy for a Show/Event

    Want a chance at winning a [PACKAGE OR TICKET NAME]?

    How many [ITEMS] are in the jar?

    The first [X] people to comment the correct number of jelly beans will win 🎁 [PACKAGE] to see [SHOW NAME] on [DATE]! When you comment, we’ll tell you how to enter in Messenger!

    We'll be announcing the winners on 📆 [DRAWING DATE]! Good luck! 🍀

    This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by or associated with Facebook

    Giveaway Copy for a Product:
    Want a chance at winning a [PRODUCT]?

    What’s the score of the [TEAM A] vs [TEAM B] game?

    The first [X] people to comment the correct score beans will win 🎁 [PRODUCTS] on [DATE]! Tell us below: [TEAM A]: [SCORE] [TEAM B] [SCORE] and we’ll tell you how to enter in Messenger!

    We'll be announcing the winners on 📆 [DRAWING DATE]! Good luck! 🍀

    This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by or associated with Facebook

    Post Example:

    Creating a Page Post Engagement Ad

    If your page has enough active users, you could run this contest without any ad spend. However, running it as an ad all but guarantees you’ll be building your list and creating a LOT of traffic for your page.

    Please note that this mini course isn’t focused on teaching you about Facebook ads - you should have some ads manager experience.

    Ad Objective
    This is a very basic walkthrough on creating a page post engagement ad. In Ads Manager, create a new campaign with the Engagement Objective

    Ad Placement
    Create your audience targeting, and then edit your placements. Unless you want to blow a lot of ad spend, select only Feeds (I also ignore desktop and target only mobile). You can try Instagram too, depending on your niche.

    After selecting daily budget, make sure you select “Use Existing Post”, then scroll to the section titled Creative and select the giveaway post you created:

    Once you’ve verified all your campaign settings, confirm and launch!

    Important Tips on Post Copy

    In your posts there are some things you should say and things you shouldn’t say in order to stay compliant. Facebook will reduce your reach or penalize you for using share, tag and click bait.

    Also, forcing people to like, share, or tag as a condition of entering a contest is strictly against ToS, so don’t do it!

    Here’s a quick guide of what and what not to use in your posts:

    👎 Not OK

    👍 OK

    Like (asking people to like the page)

    Ask people to press/smash the 👍, ❤ or 😲 buttons, “How about a thumbs up if…”

    Share (asking people to share the post)

    Pass this post along on your wall

    Tag a friend

    Mention a friend, refer a friend, tell us who you’d bring, etc


    Giveaway or Giving away, etc

    How to Win, How to Enter

    [Prize] Up For Grabs!, How to Get [Prize]


    Lucky Person

    Comment (asking people to comment)

    Tell us, Mention below, Tell us below